
Harley-Davidson X440 Campaign for 7 Islands, Mumbai

Harley-Davidson X440 Campaign for 7 Islands, Mumbai


Film & Video
Research, Data & Analytics Solutions
Media Solutions
Tech Solutions
Brand Solutions


Other Industries


A leading Harley Davidson dealership in Mumbai – 7 Islands, found a golden opportunity to promote their flagship bike, the Harley Davidson X440 through a digital marketing campaign. Known for its roaring engines and iconic status, the bike’s physical appeal was translated into the digital realm to capture the attention of motorcycle enthusiasts and upscale buyers. The campaign goal was to not only increase brand awareness but also drive showroom visits, facilitate test rides and drive sales.

Campaign details:

1. Product: Harley-Davidson X440

2. Location: Mumbai

3. Campaign Goal: Increase bike sales and showroom visits

4. Budget: ₹75,000

5. Leads Generated: 176

6. Showroom Visits: 27


We devised a tailored approach to understand the unique appeal of the bike and the specific tastes of the audience:

  1. Audience targeting:  The initial stage of our strategy was focused on identifying the right customer profile, which included motorcycle enthusiasts and individuals interested in premium bikes in Mumbai. This approach helped us direct our marketing efforts effectively, maximising reach, relevance and returns.
  2. Content Development: At the heart of our campaign was our ad creatives. Each ad was meticulously written and designed to showcase the Harley Davidson X440’s sleek design, powerful engine and status-symbol essence. Our visuals and narratives were crafted with an aim to itch the adventurous spirit and freedom that the brand embodies.
  3. Campaign optimization: We continuously monitored and fine-tuned our campaign to enhance performance and drive engagement. This involved experimenting with different ad formats, refining the target criteria and adjusting ad placements to get the maximum reach and visibility.


The campaign’s performance was nothing short of spectacular.

  1. Lead generation:  The campaign generated 176 leads, demonstrating a strong interest in the Harley Davidson X440.
  2. Showroom visits: Out of the total leads generated, 27 visited the showroom to experience the bike in person, facilitating in-person interactions with potential buyers.
  3. Market penetration: Despite the niche market and premium pricing associated with the brand, the campaign showed how targeted digital advertising strategies can generate leads and drive showroom traffic.


The success of the Harley Davidson XX40 campaign not only redefined sales strategies for premium motorcycles but showed the effectiveness of transforming digital marketing efforts into real-world results.

By using the right target audience segmentation, persuasive creative content, continuous campaign optimization and proactive lead nurturing strategies, 7 Islands was able to achieve tangible business outcomes.  With the right digital tools and a well planned strategy, even the most niche markets can achieve widespread success.

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