
IDFC First Bank’s Nationwide Marathon Initiative

IDFC First Bank’s Nationwide Marathon Initiative


Film & Video
Research, Data & Analytics Solutions
Media Solutions
Tech Solutions
Brand Solutions


Other Industries


The IDFC First Bank Sponsored Marathon aimed to promote health, wellness and community engagement across India’s major cities – Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and Kolkata. The challenge was to not just host a marathon but to create a unifying event that would appeal to diverse communities, enhance the bank’s visibility and capture the scale and collective spirit of thousands of participants.


With the vision to create a marathon event that would reach national acclaim, IDFC First Bank had the following objectives:

  1. To highlight the nationwide enthusiasm and participation of diverse Indians. 
  1. To promote community engagement, wellness and inclusivity among the participants and spectators.
  1. To enhance the bank’s brand presence and commitment to health and wellness.


Pre-event planning:

  1. Route scouting: Each city’s marathon route was carefully mapped out to identify optimal shooting locations and logistics requirements.
  2. Resource allocation: A dedicated crew of 40+ professionals and 20+ cameras were strategically placed to ensure no movement went uncaptured.
  3. Logistics coordination: Transport and support systems were arranged for equipment and crew, keeping in mind each city’s specific challenges.

Event production:

  1. On-ground coverage: From static shots to drone footage, the marathon was captured from start to finish.
  2. Manpower management: We organized the crew into balanced teams for different segments of the marathon route, ensuring continuous coverage.
  3. Community engagement: Crews conducted interviews with participants and spectators, weaving personal stories and emotional highs of the event.

Post production:

  1. Editing and compilation: Footage from the 4 cities was assembled and edited into a cohesive story, highlighting the key moments and individual stories.
  2. Brand integration: IDFC First Bank’s branding elements were integrated subtly throughout the visual content, to reinforce their message of health and community.
  3. Buzz creation: Teasers, social media snippers and reel highlights were released to maximize post-event buzz and engagement.


The marathon was a resounding success.

  1. Extensive reach: The event’s scale and emotion was captured successfully to showcase the spirit of participation across all 4 cities.
  2. Social media impact: The content generated significant engagement on social media, with event videos and participant stories receiving widespread shares and views.
  3. Brand boost: IDFC First Bank’s association with health, wellness and community engagement was strengthened, enhancing their brand image.

Challenges and solutions:

  1. Simultaneous shooting: Coordinating shoots in multiple locations simultaneously was a logistical challenge, which we overcame through rigorous planning and real-time communication tools.
  2. Crowd management: Ensuring the safety of our crew and equipment amidst large crowds was a challenge that we handled with careful planning and coordination with the event security.


The IDFC First Bank Sponsored Marathon not only achieved its set objectives but also set new standards for how corporate events can engage communities, promote health and enhance brand visibility.

Through strategic use of detailed planning, technology and storytelling, we captured the essence of a nationwide event and left a lasting impact on its participants and spectators, and on the brand it represents.

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